
Monday, September 30, 2019

Jem and Scout in “To Kill a Mockingbird” Essay

Lawrence Kohlberg developed six culturally universal levels of moral development that can be applied to To Kill a Mockingbird. This book tells a story of the children growing up and their lives changing so we can observe the ascension of them through morality levels and the events that cause or show this. The main characters of this book were Jem and Scout who we first meet with morality levels 0 to 1. It is their experiences which cause them to ultimately arrive at a high level of morality and exhibiting characteristics of level 6. Early in the story Jem and Scout act with a level of 0 and 1 in my opinion for many reasons. The first indicator is their bluntness when they first met Dill. They don’t meet a whole lot of kids their age except at school for Jem, so when they talk to Dill they don’t show a lot of tact by outright asking him about things like his father. They are guided by what they want and not by others. Another is when Scout â€Å"beats up† Walter because he gets her in trouble so her motivation is based on consequences and she doesn’t have a real sense of others feelings but Jem starts his growth already as he invites Walter to eat with them. Jem has already started to grow and scouts begins to get a notion of fairness and what is right when she is condemned by her teacher for knowing how to read. This doesn’t make sense to her because she can read, which she thinks is good, but her teacher gets mad. Jem defends the teacher by saying she’s trying a new way but scout and Jem both know that it’s a good thing to read. This is the start of Scouts growth because Kohlberg believes that events shape the morality level and it is natural to ascend these levels as you grow. One of the big things that helps form the children’s morals throughout the book is Boo Radley. The children play games that portray their beliefs about Boo but Atticus scolds them for this and they might start to see him in a different way. Once they are in the middle of a thing at night and Jem loses his pants on the fence, when he goes back to get them the pants are mended and he is at first bothered by this. I think that this is the first time Jem realizes that Boo isn’t only the character that they see him as. He fixes the pants  so he may even care about the children. Another thing that shows that he cares is when he covers the children with a blanket. Scout still seems afraid but I think she sees that he might not be such a monster and that he was kind to them. One of the biggest themes in the book was also one of the events that definitely changed the way Jem saw things. When they are told to never kill a mockingbird Jem understands that your actions affect people and u have to think. If somebody helps you it is a sin to do anything to hurt somebody or something like that. Later on we see that Scout got some of the meaning but has to be reminded by Jem not to harm things without reason, this is why we know that Jem is rising through the levels. I think that it is hard to classify them by the end but they definitely do display level six characteristics. We can see this realization when Scout and Dill talk to Mr. Dolphus Raymond. Scout understands that it wouldn’t be socially acceptable and that society isn’t right to judge people like it does. She learns that injustice can happen all the time like Jem then does. He sees this in the conviction of an innocent man. Everyone knows that Tom Robinson did not do anything but because of social status he was condemned. Jem is distraught and shows that he knows this is wrong and that it was not right logically or morally to convict Tom Robinson. Scout show high morals at the end in seeing the hypocrisy in the town’s views on democracy and the racism. Scouts final realization of morality comes when she knows that it is Boo Radley who saved her and Jem. She sees that he is a man and that people shouldn’t be judged no matter how different. It is Boo who ultimately shows her this. Something I found interesting was that scout and Jem both achieved a high level long before the should have but it supported that life experiences shape a persons morals and even youth can have a high grasp of what is right and wrong. LEVEL STAGE SOCIAL ORIENTATION Pre-conventional 1 Obedience and Punishment 2 Individualism, Instrumentalism, and Exchange Conventional 3 â€Å"Good boy/girl† 4 Law and Order Post-conventional 5 Social Contract 6 Principled Conscience

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Explain the Strengths and Weaknesses of Aquinas’ Cosmological Argument

a) Explain the strengths and weaknesses of Aquinas’ cosmological arguments. The cosmological argument is an a posteriori argument based on the question of the relation of the universe’s existence and God’s existence. This argument focuses on the theory that if the universe exists then something must have caused it to existence, ie. A God or Creator. Supporters of this argument claim that to fully comprehend the existence of the universe, one must rely on a theory of a God however critics would say that due to the inability to prove God’s existence means that the universe cannot be fully explained.Many who don’t support the cosmological believe there doesn’t necessarily need to be an explanation for the universe’s existence as it simply exists. Some strengths of the cosmological argument is that it gives an explanation and reason for the universe as oppose to thinking everything just exists because it does. People may find comfort in th e cosmological argument and believing that a God created the universe as it gives the impression that everything in the universe has a specific purpose instead of just being random.Another strength is due to the argument being an a posteriori argument and it being from everyday experience of the universe. In other words, our experience of the universe aids our understanding that certain aspects of the universe have specific purposes and exist for specific reasons which gives strong support for this argument. The fact that the argument also helps develop an understanding of popular questions helps it to be a strong theory. A question such as ‘Why is there a universe? can be answered with the cosmological argument as believing that God created the universe provides an answer. The ideas on cause and effect, motion and change and contingency are clear and easy to follow making it comprehendible and easy to support. For many people, the idea that God is the cause of the universe is straightforward and no more explanation is required. Aquinas put forward three questions to answer the inquires about God’s existence whilst forming the cosmological argument.There were five proofs which he came up with but his three ways are commonly used as the cosmological argument for the existence of God. The first way is motion, the second is causation and the third way is the idea that God as a necessary being. The first way which Aquinas provided was very focused on the fact that the universe constantly changes and experiences motion which he went on the relate to the change being caused by an original Creator or God. He believed that we can observe that things in the world are always in motion or changing and is changing from a potential state to an actual state.A chain of events causes things to change from one state to another through the process of motion but the chain of movers cannot continue the process of change and motion forever as then there would be no fi rst mover (I. e. God) and then there would be no other movers. Aquinas emphasised that the first mover was not put into motion by anyone else and is essentially God. This makes the cosmological argument a strong argument to support as helps explain the reason why the universe is constantly changing. Aquinas produced the second way of causation also known as the First Cause Argument.This argument concentrated on the fact that cause and effect existed in the world. Aquinas stressed that all events that happened had a cause and must either be infinite or have its starting point in a first cause. Aquinas couldn’t believe in an endless chain of causes and effects and therefore assumed there had to be some first cause, which was God. Aquinas continued this argument to say that nothing can be a cause of itself. This is a large strength of Aquinas’ cosmological argument as things cannot simply bring themselves into existence so the explanation of a first cause is extremely log ical.Aquinas theory of a first cause gives way for God being called the first uncaused cause as he came to existence unlike anything else. The third way of Aquinas’ cosmological argument is about the idea that God is a necessary being. This argument states that because everything in the universe is contingent and dependant on something else for its existence, the universes explanation leads back to something non-contingent. Everything in the universe is dependant on something else which means that once there was a time when nothing existed. This means that the being which created the niverse must have been external to it and also must be a necessary being, aka, must have always existed. Aquinas continued to argue that this necessary being is God and that if God didn’t exist, nothing else would. This logically explains the existence of the universe without it being contradictory of God’s existence, making the argument strong. However, Aquinas’ cosmological argument did receive some criticisms from David Hume. Hume put forward several responses to the cosmological idea, provided an alternative argument to Aquinas’ beliefs.Hume believed that the idea of the necessary being was incoherent and illogical. Also, he questioned the relation between causes and effects and that every event has a cause. His response to this is that the argument provided no proof for events having causes and as humans, we never actually experience causation therefore providing an argument against the first and second way which Aquinas produced. Hume also criticised the idea of the first cause as he implied it was too confusing to follow.The word ‘cause’ itself creates confusion as the first cause doesn’t have anything to do with the actual cause which we understand. There is a contradiction as the world ‘cause’ implies a finite thing whereas a God would be infinite. Hume pointed out that calling God a cause made him seem l ike he belonged with all the other finite beings. Another one of Hume’s arguments against Aquinas’ idea of a first cause was his criticism that there is no proof saying there should be only one first cause or that that first cause was the Christian God.The ‘uncaused cause’ that Aquinas described is a largely different character to the Christian God and Aquinas doesn’t specify of any qualities which God is supposed to behold. Hume labelled this idea illogical as the God Aquinas described was a being out of touch and indifferent to the universe he apparently caused. Hume questioned the necessity of claiming the whole universe has a cause just because it can be explained by a chain of causes. Hume argued that you cannot claim the universe has a cause just because all things in the universe supposedly has a cause.He also claimed that since the universe is beyond our experience, how can we know that the universe has a first cause? Aquinas believed that t he universe could not have just come into existence yet Hume’s argument implied that there is nothing saying that this is not correct and now science can efficiently explain that the universe may have just come into existence randomly. This argument successfully defeats Aquinas’ view about a first cause causing the universe to exist.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Improving Attendance in Statutory Education Essay

Under the Education Act 1996, the Council has a statutory duty to ensure children and young people receive fulltime, efficient education, which is suitable to the age, and ability and any special needs they may have. This is usually through attendance at school. The Education Welfare Service (EWS) is one agency which takes the lead role for the Council in supporting school attendance. It will do this through working with children and families, supporting schools and linking with other agencies including the legal system. The EWS will look at a whole range of ideas for why the children aren’t attending school and will look at solutions for this whether it be legal action or just working closely with all involved for example parents, teachers and the school. On the whole this is an extremely important agency which aims to get children into education and helps work out why they are not in education, however there are negative aspects to the agency as they may have to work closely with social services if the parents aren’t fulfilling there role and legal action may be taken again the parents aren’t fulfilling the responsibility although this is a negative aspect of the agency it is all in place for the overall well being of the child. Police can work with local schools and EWC, by undertaking local patrols to detect truancy and going to local areas where children may hide out. By having the police involved children and parents will be able to understand the severity of truancy and poor school attendance which is a positive outcome. This can then lead on to the Youth Offending Team (YOT) whose staff identifies school attendance issues and work actively to resolve them. The Council will work with agencies such as housing companies, Police, Connexions, YOT and voluntary organisations to develop protocols to identify children without school places. Overall these agencies are all there to help improve attendance in schools and all have the same aims, by working together with the school, agencies and organisiations the schools will be able to have the correct support in place for the children in and out of schools, parents and the teachers. The agencies are able to work out reasons for poor attendance and make sure issues are resolved. These organizations are here for a positive reason and to help children get the best education possible and cutting down on reasons for poor attendance. Explain the role of key individuals in improving whole school attendance. Educational Welfare officers- Once a child is registered at a school, it is the parents legal duty to make sure that the child attends school regularly. The role of Education Welfare Officers is to work closely with schools, children and their parents, and with agencies to make sure this happens. The educational welfare officers will work closely with these people to find out why children arent attending regularly and figure out soloutions to ensure this changes. If the parents fail to cooperate and the child does not return to regular attendance at school, the Education Welfare Service may issue a Fixed Penalty Notice or take legal action. Educational welfare officers can refer cases to other agencies such as social services, educational psychologists and health professionals. Ultimately their main responsibilities is to provide support to the children, the families and the school in all areas whether it to be advice on legal responsibilities, or building relationships between the school and the parents and making sure school attendance is at a maximum, if school attendance is not consistant then the educational welfare officers will look into reasons and solutions for this. Teaching Support Workers- Support teachers are in classrooms to support teachers in what they are trying to achieve, they are also there to help individuals who are in need of support when learning, Support teachers are able to give the individuals in need of help more time and focus to help them through areas of difficulties. Having Teaching supports workers available will therefore mean children will feel supported in weak areas and therefore more progress will be made by children which will also boost confidence. Children who are falling behind or children who do not understand specific areas of what they are being taught can become embarassed and withdrawn whilst lacking confidence this could lead to poor behaviour meaning suspension,exclusion,detention or missing school to avoid feeling embarrassed around peers. Having teaching support workers available will mean weak areas can be taregeted and help provided much quicker than just having one teacher in a classroom. Teaching support workers will be able to have the relevant training and guidance to help identify children who are struggling. These are people who are their to support children with any behaviour or learning needs. Headteachers- Most of the duties of a headteacher is managerial and to make sure the school is running properly whilst also making sure everything necessary is provided for staff and pupils. Head teachers will need to make sure specific training is given to identify children who are struggling, making sure there are policies and procedures in place and followed by staff to prevent bullying and equal opportunities. By making sure the children have the mose valuable expreience possible at school and working with children, parents and other agenicies to make sure everything is in place to keep attendace high, if children are struggling the support teacher are in place, if bullying is happening then this needs to be resolved quickly before the child becomes withdrawnand lacks confidence leading to poor attendance. The head teacher will be able to use educational welfare officers and other agencies to help find ways of improving the school and making sure all areas of a childrens welfare are covered and the child is offered the support needed to enjoy school and attend school attaining the best qualifications possible. Special Educational Coordinators- The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), in collaboration with the head teacher and governing body, plays a key role in determining the strategic development of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) policy and provision in the school to raise the achievement of children with special educational needs. The SENCO takes day-to-day responsibility for the operation of the policy and co-ordination of the provision made for individual children with special educational needs, working closely with staff, parents and carers and other agencies. By having the special education needs co-ordinator this will mean that full support will be given to children in school meaning the chilldren can work to the maximum and achieve the most out of school with the full support and help from the teachers. This will also mean that children wont be embarrassed because they cannot keep up or understand the work and should hopefully stop the children turning to negative behaviour like missing school. This will enable the school to give the children the best experience possible with the best possible outcomes and increased attendance therefore increasing grades attained by children. Explain strategies that can be used to improve the attendance of individual children and young people and whole school attendance Have an attendance policy in place make sure the children are fully aware of the steps that will be taken in cases of non attendance. Whilst making sure that parents follow the procedure for days that children are of sick. Keep parents involved and build relationships with the parents using head teachers and teachers so that they are aware of any problems that maybe underlying at school at the present time which my result in non-attendance. It is also vital to make parents aware of any positive achievements that their son or daughter has achieved. Support available, makes sure that any children struggling in specific educational areas are identified as quickly as possible so that all relevant support and help can be put in place to help the child in the specified area. The school can work in partnership with the educational welfare officer and the local authority to help target specific areas of need. Use rewards and incentives to encourage attendance and punctuality such as certificates for high attendance and increased incentive for the higher attendance and punctuality as the year progresses. Once a child has been absent from school make sure they reintegrate into the school positively. Making sure teachers check they are ok, provide any missed work and provide a support group making sure this is available to the children if they need to talk-for example counselors. Use attendance checks to keep on top of and monitor all attendance for children this will help to discover any patterns in non attendance and help the school find a solution to this quicker therefore benefiting the children. Raising the profile of attendance so if a child fails to attend sending a letter out to parents straight away to make sure they are aware of this or asking for a reason why there was no attendance if the attendance falls below a certain level. Schools can use newsletters and parents evenings to bring this to parents and children’s attention.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Evaluating Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evaluating - Coursework Example Additionally, this paper presents an evaluation of 5 conflict resolution methods and a conflict resolution method that is best applicable to both teams and rationale for this decision. Finally, this paper presents a conclusion of the findings and literature applied. Interprofessional collaboration is a complex communication process that poses a number of features. According to Scholl, Koelewijn-van Loon and Sepucha, et al. (2011), interprofessional collaboration, in a nursing setting or health care environment is described as the process of division of planning, decision making, goal setting, accountability assumptions and problem solving processes which links with working jointly. This process fosters harmonization of efforts in a team or group. Working as a team or collaboratively is a common term in the health care environment, where the health care providers strive to work together in order to achieve positive health outcomes. The surgical and recovery team work in harmony to achieve their set goals and objectives which entail achieving a positive health outcome. In particular, the surgical team carries out the surgery procedures on the patients in the surgery environments whereas the recovery team plays the role of assisting the patients in recovering from the surgical procedures (Scholl et al., 2011). This entails taking the patients from the surgical room and providing them with the necessary care that they need in order to triumph over the surgery to a normal life (Schrijvers, van Hoorn & Huiskes, 2012). Over and above, both the surgical and the recovery team play a significant role in enabling the patient achieve beneficial health outcomes. This is made possible via collaborative working process where everyone embraces communication through effective reporting and handover. Interprofessional collaborations foster exchange of knowledge, improved patient health outcomes, improved health care service satisfaction and an effective

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Research - Essay Example He could face additional discipline by the NFL, even if he is not convicted. The involvement of Michael Vick in the dog fighting scandal has caused irreparable damage not only to his career but also to the Atlanta Falcons; moreover, it has affected PETA as well. Animal rights groups are enraged, and so is the public. The Atlanta Falcons have issued a statement in which they have categorically apologized to their fans and the public for the actions of Michael Vick causing them to be seen in a negative way. The NFL has also issued a statement in which they have assured the public that the NFL considers dog fighting â€Å"cruel, degrading, and illegal†, and that any employee of theirs who is found to be involved in such activities would be punished appropriately. This scandal has caused Michael Vick considerable disrepute. He was one of the most entertaining players of the NFL, and had a bright future ahead of him. However, with this scandal, he has lost respect of the public, which has resulted in embarrassment to the Falcons as well; not only has it caused them embarrassment and consternation, but their fans are also disappointed in them. The Falcons have suspended Vick till the verdict comes in, and have also sued to reclaim the bonu s that was given to him on 10th October 2007. Given the circumstances, the Court also agreed to the Falcons claim and they were held to be entitled to recover almost 20 million dollars of the said money. Air Tran Airways, for which Vick was a spokesman, has decided not to renew his contract after this incident. Moreover, other companies have also either suspended or cancelled their contracts with Vick; for instance, Nike has decided not to go ahead with its product line named after Vick, though the company has not declared categorically whether it is merely a suspension or cancellation. The banks are also suing Vick for loans that he had taken out, as the future of the quarterback hangs in the balance and none of the companies, banks

Greece And Rome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Greece And Rome - Essay Example Arguably no one knows the origin and relationships of the gods better than Hesiod, in his Theogony on ‘Origin of the Gods,’ besides Homer. â€Å"He [Hesiod] collected and retold many of the myths of the birth of the universe, the creation and the coming of the gods† (Greek par. 4). It all began with Chaos. Next came Gaea or Earth, then heaven and hell, night and day. Gaea lay with Heaven and they birthed multiple children such as Oceanus, Rhea, Themis, and above all, Cronos, who they feared because of his hateful nature (Hesiod ll. 116-138). The issue with them stemmed from their father’s hate. They were forced to lie in hiding away from any source of light. Gaea decided to give her children the means to defy their father. It was Cronos who accepted the challenge. He cut away Heaven’s reproductive organs and the rest of the giants on earth whose parts turned into foam and drifted at sea for a long time until out sprang Aphrodite, the goddess of love (Hesiod ll. 188-206). Hesiod’s poem explained how earth, heaven, hell, day, and night were formed. Since the citizens of Greece lacked modern science, this was the only means by which the Greeks could decipher their environment and imagine what life would be like in heaven or hell. The renowned gods the Greeks portrayed in their lives were the children of the Titans (specifically Rhea and Cronos). The eldest Olympians, first generation, were as follows: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. Hestia was a virgin goddess who did not marry and stood for hearth and home (Hestia par. 1). Demeter stood for ‘mother earth’ and is associated with her daughter, Persephone, who was kidnapped by Hades (Demeter par. 2). She is the goddess whom the Greeks deemed to be in charge of changing the seasons according to which Persephone spends time on earth, i.e. Spring/Summer vs. Autumn/Winter. Hera is most notably the queen of the gods and Zeus’s wife. A jealous goddess, she stands for marriage and is worshipped as a masculine, formidable figure by kings and warriors (Hera par. 2-4). In fact, she bore Ares, the god of war. Hades, Poseidon and Zeus are regarded as the three prime brothers who ruled over mortals. Hades became the god of the underworld (Hades par. 1) and Poseidon, the god of the sea (Poseidon par. 2). Zeus, of course, became the king of the gods when he overthrew his father, Cronos (Zeus par. 2): And he set free from their deadly bonds the brothers of his father/ Sons of Heaven whom his father in his foolishness had bound/ And they remembered to be grateful to him for his kindness/ And gave him thunder and the glowing thunderbolt and lightening:/ For before that, huge Earth had hidden these/ In them he trusts and rules over mortals and immortals. (Hesiod ll. 492- 506) Once he overthrew Cronos, Zeus freed his brothers and sisters and created man. These are some of the reasons why he is worshipped as the king of the gods by Gree k society. The second generation of gods came about by various pairings between Zeus and Hera, or Zeus and other goddesses or mortal women, etc. Some gods were born by no pairings at all. Athena, for example, sprouted from Zeus’s brain. Hesiod describes the various lovers of Zeus in lines 901-1022 of the Theogony. One of the affiliations is illustrated as such: â€Å"

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Product Costing - Traditional Methods and Activity Based Research Paper

Product Costing - Traditional Methods and Activity Based - Research Paper Example By doing this they maintain zero inventory of building parts or what is called as raw materials (RM). Dell enjoys a loyal customer trust globally. One of the reasons for this is that the base prices of their laptops and other products are practically the same across continents. Product pricing at Dell is a serious and well thought over process through strong market research and consumer inputs. Based on the marketing debrief the research and development (R&D) center starts developmental activities on the consumer centric product. The engineers work under the strict constrict of the product cost based on the marketing requirement. The first level of product cost brainstorming is between the marketing, sales and engineers at the R&D. All quality cost parameters namely prevention, appraisal and failure (both internal and external) are considered. In the six sigma jargon another cost is considered, cost of poor quality (Juran, 1988). Dell as an organization completely negates this hidden quality cost. The costing activity of consumer goods in my organization follows the above mentioned steps towards deciding pricing of a bathing soap. The main ingredients of a bathing bar are soap noodles, fragrance, permitted colors and fillers. The cost of a 100 g net weight of bathing bar is $1.5.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Evolution of the internet and the impacts on travel agencies Assignment

Evolution of the internet and the impacts on travel agencies - Assignment Example In the essay "Evolution of the Internet and the impacts on Travel Agencies" outlines how Internet changed the way how travel agencies work. For instance, now customers can directly access the internet sites and can book the tickets within a quick period of time. There are several negative impacts of the evolution of information technology on the travel agencies too. Third party cost is the major business barrier of several airlines, hotels, and restaurants. Therefore, the organizations had to pay a commission rate to these travel agents. These activities automatically increase the business operation cost. Nowadays, people can book their tickets on their own through online networking sites without any kind of help of third parties. The implementation of online strategies helped the organizations and customers in several ways. It can reduce the business operation cost for the organizations. The travel agents can get, store and provide a large number of data and information. On the other hand, implementation of online ticketing strategies helps the organizations to reduce third-party booking costs so that they can provide low fare tickets to the customers. People of several developed countries generally prefer online booking of tickets and leisure facilities. It is true that US is technologically developed country. Recent financial crisis and economic recession affected the global economic environment. Low disposable income of people and limited purchasing power are the major consequences of this economic slowdown. Earlier, during the Brick-and-mortar age organizations had to effectively rely upon the third party business partners in order to increase their sales margin. On the other hand, customers also had to depend upon these third party individuals to book

Monday, September 23, 2019

Close examination of global financial systems Essay

Close examination of global financial systems - Essay Example Not only is the existing function of German universal banking overemphasized, it perhaps never was as important as advocated, even at its peak by the turn of the century. The image that appears is not constant with the claim that German universal banks applied considerable power on industrial businesses and offered large amounts of funding (Bongini et al, 2009, p. 76). Even though there were a number of instances of this, these were the exceptions to the general rule, which was for businesses to support themselves on the inside largely. Pragmatic study on the relative values of bank-based as well as market-based financial systems has focused on â€Å"Germany and Japan as bank-based systems and the United States and the United Kingdom as market-based systems† (World Bank, 2012, p. 111). The bank-based idea emphasizes on the constructive function of banks in activating resources, categorizing good ventures, supervising executives, and dealing with risk. The bank-based approach a s well emphasizes on the relative limitations of market-based systems. Especially, highly sensitive markets promptly expose data within public markets, which diminishes the inducements for individual shareholders to obtain information. Therefore, better market expansion may hinder inducements for classifying pioneering ventures that encourage development. Banks, on the other hand, alleviate this setback as they create continuing links with businesses and do not disclose data instantaneously within public. Advocates of the bank-based approach as well highlight that liquid markets form a prejudiced investor environment. In liquid markets, investors can economically trade their shares, so that they have smaller number of inducements to apply thorough corporate control. As a... After bringing up the main the main topic of the essay, we see that it makes a few valid points to argue about. Whereas the function of financial systems is argued, the performance of different types of financial systems is even more greatly argues. Banks in Germany are mainly accountable for the growth of the nation, having promoted and developed its industries. To them, more than any other group may be attributed the wonderful outcomes yet realized. The essay goes deeper into the topic by bringing other examples. Pragmatic study on the relative values of bank-based as well as market-based financial systems has focused on â€Å"Germany and Japan as bank-based systems and the United States and the United Kingdom as market-based systems† (World Bank, 2012, p. 111). The essay says that theoretically, the financial services notion is completely compatible with both the bank-based as well as market-based approaches. Later, we are given pieces of advice, such as: when trying to con trol the design of a financial system, the study recommends that supervisory bodies should not intently concentrate on banks and markets independently, but rather see them as essential components of a co-developing system. In conclusion, we see that when trying to control the design of a financial system, the study recommends that supervisory bodies should not intently concentrate on banks and markets independently, but rather see them as essential components of a co-developing system.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Online Therapy Essay Example for Free

Online Therapy Essay Little by little the internet and technology are expanding to incorporate more aspects of our daily lives. The expansion is so vast, one can now do Just about anything online. On line advances has no doubt positively contributed to businesses, education, communication, and quality of life in general, but when does one draw the line? Healthcare is a very serious subject because it deals with peoples lives and well being. Potential problems that may arise from it are not monetary, like those involved with losing a Job or failing a school course, but deal with lives and peoples weakest and perhaps most uncontrollable side of life. Psychological disorders usually arise from events and sources not under the control of patients. Unlike purchasing the wrong stock at the wrong time or having an unsuccessful online business presentation, depression, addiction, phobias, and other psychological disorders are delicate matters that are not a result of bad decision making, however, much like every service the internet offers us, cyber psychology does have its advantages and disadvantages. Disadvantages and Solutions: The first glaring disadvantage is the loss of essential elements with the lack of face to face interactions. The fact that psychology is the study of behavior, it is imperative for a therapist to get a grasp on the patients complete behavior, which includes, but is not limited to, facial movements and body movements, tone of voice, posture, and appearance. To fully understand a client, a therapist must be able to be privvy to this side of the individuals personality to accurately diagnose and ultimately heal a problem or disorder. One way to solve this disadvantage could be for the therapist to request an initial face-to-face assessment that can then be followed by online treatments of various sorts. This enhances the screening process and leaves no room for misinterpretation or misdiagnosis that can arise from lack of personal interaction. Also, for cases or procedures involving video conferencing and webcam interactions, it is crutial for websites to continue to improve the video quality to avoid missing any words or movements that may be crucial to analyzing behaviors. Maybe once video conferencing is perfected, it will increase the validity of such therapeutic media and allow it to replace the need for an initial in person interaction. A second concern involved with web therapy is security. We are surrounded by warning signs oncerning various web securities, including scams, hacks, and phishing sites. In the past, we have seen many cases serious enough to make it to the news to increase awareness and warn people of the seriousness of certain situations. It is almost possible for hackers to invade most sites and this compromises the privacy of patients personal and diagnostic information. Also, confirming the validity of particular sites may be hard on some people since scam sites go into extreme measures to mimic credible sites. The fact that most on-line therapies require payment in advance, may seem tempting for people who make a living from online camming. Another potential leak in privacy may unintentionally arise from the clients themselves; the use of public computers or implying improper security features and practices to ones personal computer. To counteract security problems, websites are constantly working on maintain security and privacy. It is important for releasing financial or personal and emotional information. Psychologists are required to practice therapy in state(s) of which they are licensed for practice. Cyber therapy offers ways to go around that law. A patient, for example, may claim different residence to receive treatment from a particular therapist of agency. Also, since the world wide web spreads, well, worldwide, theres a chance that some of the sites are run internationally and this may give rise to cultural disconnect problems from misunderstanding situations, actions, and settings. Proper monitoring should be implemented on cyber therapy websites to avoid such breaches and complications. Advantages of Online Therapy: There are several advantages associates with online therapy. Time is something that seems to be becoming more scarce and harder to manage. Finding a service that can be molded around ones schedule, convenience, or from the privacy of ones ome is important to many people in todays fast paced way of life. Online therapy also offers a geographic advantage for people living in rural areas or people with transportation limitations. In addition, people with physical disabilities may now have an easier method of behavior therapy that does not interfere with their health issues. Finally, a very crucial advantage is financial. Online therapy makes it cheaper and thus easier to receive mental health therapy. Because of the lack of an office or facilities, transportation expenses, and the availability of different program levels to hoose from, therapy became an attainable thing and a cry for help that was heard by cyber space. The options of sending an email or having a telephone therapy session gives many benefits with the elimination of extended time charges and various office visit associated expenses. Websites Offering Online Therapy: The Online Therapy Institute is a website designated primarily for therapist seeking to introduce online therapy as an option to their practice. It offers intensive information about how to set up an online therapy site and what the rules and regulations are and general guidelines to follow to provide proper therapeutic echniques. It also assists therapists in the initial stages and provides a reference for any upcoming issues. E-Therapists Online provides services for patients seeking online therapy via e- mail, private chats, and phone counseling. It provides clear instructions on how to begin therapy and also price guideline. Payment is due prior to therapy. For example, an e-mail session costs $39. 95 and 4 e-mail sessions cost $149. 00. Telephone or chats cost $95. 00 for 60 minutes and $623. 00 for 7 60 minute chats or calls. Headworks is another website similar to e-therapists online. In addition to the ervices that e-therapists online provides, they offer free self-help information and customized services. Conclusion: Online therapy definitely has its advantages, but it should also be handled carefully. Not all cases of mental health should be able to be treated via cyber psychotherapy because some are much more complicated and need in person therapy. Once this service is solidified, this service will be more ideal for people who are in need of minor therapy, interaction with people, behavioral help, and guidelines in life but are unable to do face-to-face therapy for geographical or financial constrains.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Static Force Analysis In Screw Jack Engineering Essay

Static Force Analysis In Screw Jack Engineering Essay Static friction is friction between two solid objects that are not moving relative to each other. For example, static friction can prevent an object from sliding down a sloped surface. The coefficient of static friction, typically denoted as ÃŽÂ ¼s, is usually higher than the coefficient of kinetic friction. The static friction force must be overcome by an applied force before an object can move. The maximum possible friction force between two surfaces before sliding begins is the product of the coefficient of static friction and the normal force: . When there is no sliding occurring, the friction force can have any value from zero up to . Any force smaller than attempting to slide one surface over the other is opposed by a frictional force of equal magnitude and opposite direction. Any force larger than overcomes the force of static friction and causes sliding to occur. The instant sliding occurs, static friction is no longer applicable and kinetic friction becomes applicable. An example of static friction is the force that prevents a car wheel from slipping as it rolls on the ground. Even though the wheel is in motion, the patch of the tire in contact with the ground is stationary relative to the ground, so it is static rather than kinetic friction. The maximum value of static friction, when motion is impending, is sometimes referred to as limiting friction,although this term is not used universally. Screw jack All metallic constructions and a accurately machine cut screw with a pitch of 5 mm crrying a double flanged turn table of about 20 cm dia fitted on a heavy cast iron base and complete with two adjustable pulleys cord hooks without wts. Small size, experimental demonstration type model with an aluminum turned pulley of about 10 cm dia is fitted on a screw jack which is fitted on a 12cm dia metallic circular base with an adjustable pulley and a linear vertical scale, over all height is about 15 cms with out wts. A screw is a shaft with a helical groove formed on its surface. Its main uses are as a threaded fastener used to hold objects together, and as a simple machine used to translate torque into linear force. Screw thread mechanics There are always three major components in practical applications of the screw thread mechanism : the    screw a generic name applied to a setscrew, leadscrew, bolt, stud or other component equipped with an external thread, the    nut refers to any component whose internal thread engages the screw, such as the nut of a nut bolt or a large stationary casting with a tapped hole into which a stud is screwed, and the    thrust bearing that is the contact surface between two components which rotate with respect to one another. Examples of thrust bearings include : the under-surface of a screw head which is being tightened by a spanner; the spherical seating of a G-clamp screw in the stationary self-aligning anvil. A nut can spin and move freely along a screw without contacting another component, ie. without the need for any thrust bearing, but a thrust bearing comes into existence immediately contact occurs and the mechanism is put to practical use. Clearly there is relative motion in the thrust bearing, and also between the nut and the screw and where there is relative motion there is    friction. We now examine the role of friction since it dominates the behaviour of the mechanism unless special ( read expensive ) means are taken to minimise its effects. When considering friction it doesnt matter which component rotates and which is stationary its the    relative motion which is important. We shall therefore analyse the jack shown here to deduce the general effect of friction on screw thread behaviour. The jacks screw is fixed; the nut is rotated by a spanner and translates vertically. The thrust collars only motion is vertical translation as it is prevented from rotating by contact with the load, one corner only of which is pictured. Since there is relative rotation between contacting nut and collar, the contacting surface assumes the role of thrust bearing. The nut shown here in plan is in contact with three bodies : the spanner exerts the torque    T which tends to raise the load ( analogous to tightening a nut and bolt ) the screw thread which exerts the frictional torque    Tt , and the thrust bearing which exerts the frictional torque    Tb . We are interested in the tightening torque    T, and, if the nut is in equilibrium then ( i)             T    =    Tt + Tb                                                             from which we can evaluate    T once    Tt and    Tb are found individually. Consider the thrust bearing first. We shall assume that the contact surface of area    A is in the form of a narrow annulus of mean radius    rb on which the uniform pressure is    W/A, where    W is the load supported by the mechanism. If the coefficient of friction in the bearing is    ÃŽÂ ¼b then the torque exerted by the frictional force on an area element ÃŽÂ ´A is    ÃŽÂ ´Tb    =    ÃŽÂ ¼b ÃŽÂ ´N rb    =    ÃŽÂ ¼b rb ( W/A ) ÃŽÂ ´A. Integrating over all the contact area ( ii)          Tb    =    W ÃŽÂ ¼b rb Consider now the thread which is square, of mean radius    rm and lead angle    ÃŽÂ ». The nut engages the screw with friction coefficient    ÃŽÂ ¼ corresponding to a    friction angle à Ã¢â‚¬   = arctan ÃŽÂ ¼. The static and kinetic coefficients of friction are taken to be essentially equal for this preliminary analysis. We wish to find the torque    Tt which must be exerted on the nut to offset thread friction and maintain the load    W in equilibrium that is either static or moving at constant speed. A torque which tends to raise the load is reckoned positive; a negative torque is one which tends to lower the load. Threaded Fastener A screw used as a threaded fastener consists of a shaft, which may be cylindrical or conical, and a head. The shaft has a helical ridge or thread formed on it. The thread mates with a complementary helix in the material. The material may be manufactured with the mating helix, or the screw may create it when first driven in. The head is specially shaped to allow a screwdriver to grip the screw when driving it in. It also stops the screw from passing right through the material being fastened and provides compression. Screws can normally be removed and re-inserted without reducing their effectiveness. This may make them preferable in some applications to nails, which are frequently unusable after being removed. A screw that is tightened by turning it clockwise is said to have a right-hand thread. Screws with left-hand threads are used in exceptional cases, when the screw is subject to anticlockwise forces that might undo a right-hand thread. Mechanical Analysis A screw is a specialized application of the wedge or inclined plane. It contains a wedge, wound around an interior cylinder or shaft that either fits into a corresponding plane in a nut, or forms a corresponding plane in the wood or metal as it is inserted. The technical analysis (see also statics, dynamics) to determine the pitch, thread shape or cross section, coefficient of friction (static and dynamic), and holding power of the screw is very similar to that performed to predict wedge behavior. Wedges are discussed in the article on simple machines. Tensile Strength Screws and bolts are usually in tension when properly fitted. In most applications they are not designed to bear large shear forces. When, for example, two overlapping metal bars joined by a bolt are likely to be pulled apart longitudinally, the bolt must be tight enough that the friction between the two bars can overcome the longitudinal force. If the bars slip then the bolt may be sheared in half, or friction between the bars (called fretting) may weaken them. For this type of application, high-tensile steel bolts are used and these should be tightened with a torque wrench. High-tensile bolts are usually in the form of hexagonal cap screws with an ISO strength rating stamped on the head. The strength ratings most often used are 8.8 and 12.9. The number before the point is the ultimate tensile strength in N/mm2 (or MPa) divided by 100. This is the stress at which the bolt will fail, i.e. break in half. The number after the point is the yield strength as a percentage of the ultimate tensile strength, divided by 10. Yield strength is the stress at which the bolt will receive a permanent set (an elongation from which it will not recover when the force is removed) of 0.2%. Mild steel bolts have a 4.6 rating. High-tensile bolts have an 8.8 rating or above. Types of screw jack Cap screw: has a convex head, usually hexagonal, designed to be driven by a spanner or wrench. Wood screw: has a tapered shaft allowing it to penetrate unrolled wood. Machine screw: has a cylindrical shaft and fits into a nut or a tapped hole, a small bolt. Self-tapping screw: has a cylindrical shaft and a sharp thread that cuts its own hole, often used in sheet metal or plastic. Drywall screw: is a specialized self-tapping screw with a cylindrical shaft that has proved to have uses far beyond its original application. Set screw:- has no head, and is designed to be inserted flush with or below the surface of the workpiece. Dowel screw:-is a wood-screw with two pointed ends and no head, used for making hidden joints between two pieces of wood. Shapes of Screw Head (a) Pan (b) Button (c) Round (d) Truss (e) Flat (f) Oval Pan Head: disc with chamfered outer edge. Button or dome head: cylindrical with a rounded top. Round: dome-shaped, commonly used for machine screws. Truss: lower-profile dome designed to prevent tampering. Flat or Countersunk: conical, with flat outer face and tapering inner face allowing it to sink into the material, very common for wood screws. Oval: countersunk with a rounded top. Types of Screw Drive Modern screws employ a wide variety of drive designs, each requiring a different kind of tool to drive in or extract them. The most common screw drives are the slotted and Phillips; hex, Robertson, and torx are also common in some applications. More exotic screw drive types may be used in situations where tampering is undesirable, such as in electronic appliances that should not be serviced by the home repairperson. (a) Slotted, (b) Phillips, (c) Pozidriv, (d) Torx, (e) Hex, (f) Robertson, (g) Tri-Wing, (h) Torq-Set, (i) Spanner (a) Slot Head has a single slot, and is driven by a flat-bladed screwdriver. The slotted screw is common in woodworking applications, but is not often seen in applications where a power driver would be used, due to the tendency of a power driver to slip out of the head and potentially damage the surrounding material. (b) Cross-head or Phillips Screw has a +-shaped slot and is driven by a cross-head screwdriver, designed originally for use with mechanical screwing machines. The Phillips screw drive has slightly rounded corners in the tool recess, and was designed so the driver will slip out, or cam out, under strain to prevent over-tightening. (c) Pozidriv it is patented, similar to cross-head but designed not to slip, or cam out. It has four additional points of contact, and does not have the rounded corners that the Phillips screw drive has. Phillips screwdrivers will usually work in Pozidriv screws, but Pozidriv screwdrivers are likely to slip or tear out the screw head when used in Phillips screws. Pozidriv was jointly patented by the Phillips Screw Company and American Screw Company. (d) Torx:-is a star-shaped or splined bit with six rounded points. (e) Hexagonal or hex:- screw head has a hexagonal hole and is driven by a hexagonal wrench, sometimes called an Allen key, or by a power tool with a hexagonal bit. (f) Robertson :-drive head has a square hole and is driven by a special power-tool bit or screwdriver (this is a low-cost version of the hex head for domestic use). (g) Tri-Wing:- screws have a triangular slotted configuration, and are used by Nintendo on its Gameboys to discourage home repair. (h) Torq-Set:- is an uncommon screw drive that may be confused with Phillips; however, the four legs of the contact area are offset in this drive type. (i) Spanner:-drive uses two round holes opposite each other, and is designed to prevent tampering Engineering Mechanics: Force Analysis in Static It is said that a chain is as strong as its weakest link, so is true for a structure. For a structure or a truss to sustain load all its members should be able to stand force acting on them. For optimal design of a structure it is essential to know the forces in the members, compressible or tensile. Structures are made to support loads. Structure is an assembly of number of members arranged in certain manner. When load acts on a structure this load is distributed to the constituent members of the structure in different proportions. Members experiencing large forces can be made stronger, members experiencing less force can be made lighter and redundant members with no force to support can be removed altogether. Thus static force analysis of structures can help to build cost effective, light and strong structures. Static Force Analysis in Structures Force acting on a member of a structure can be compressible or tensile. For the purpose of force analysis a sign convention can be assigned to the forces. Tensile forces, acting outwards the members and having a tendency to extend the member, is assigned positive sign. The force acting inwards any member and tending to compress the member is called as compressive force and assigned negative sign. Although a sign convention opposite to this one can also be followed with equal validity but the same sign convention should be adhered to throughout the analysis of a structure. There are mainly two approaches for static force analysis in structures. One approach is to section the structure under consideration and find the unknown forces by balancing the forces. Other approach is based on the principle that net force at any joint or node for static structure is zero. In either of the approaches force calculation is started from the support points as it is easier to determine the forces at the support points and further calculation of forces in the members of the structure becomes easier after knowing the forces at supports. Section Approach In the Section Approach the structure under consideration is sectioned at certain part such that the number of unknown forces is not more than two, for two dimensional structures. Unknown forces are assigned variables and components of the forces are taken along and perpendicular to any one of the unknown forces. For each of the two directions force balance equations are framed and solved for the unknowns. The components of the forces can also be taken along any fixed coordinate axis. For three dimensional structures the section taken can have up to three unknown forces. Nodal Approach In the other approach, to find forces in the members of a structure, net force at any joint is set to zero. Any joint connecting two or more members can be called as a node. One by one different nodes are considered for force analysis. To start with such a node will be taken which has not more than two unknown forces. Unknown forces are determined by writing net forces along any set of orthogonal axes and equating them to zero. For a simple structure one of the two approaches may be sufficient to determine the forces in members. But for complex structures single force analysis approach can become cumbersome for force analysis, therefore, a tricky combination and use of the two approaches can simplify the static force analysis in structures.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Darwins General Summary and Conclusions of the Descent of Man and Sele

Darwin's General Summary and Conclusions of the Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex In the "General Summary and Conclusions" of The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, Charles Darwin argues that man is not the work of a separate act of creation. Rather, he believes that humans evolved from a lower being to what we are today. Darwin looks at the "whole organic world" [i] when finding evidence to support his argument, using the evolution of plants and animals to illustrate his points. Darwin claims that natural selection and sexual selection are two modes of evolution and explains both in detail. However, Darwin does not just cover science; he also looks at how social behavior affects evolution and sexual selection. In this way, non-epistemic values have a great influence on Darwin's theories. Darwin's main argument is that "man is descended from some less highly organized form"[ii]. As evidence for his claim, Darwin looks at the similarity between the features of humans and other animals during embryonic development. He finds that there are "innumerable points of structure and constitution" [iii] that are similar. Anyone who disagrees with him would be forced to conclude, "man is the co-descendent with other mammals of a common progenitor"[iv]. He also explains the differences between natural selection and sexual selection, as well as how sexual selection is important to evolution. First, natural selection depends on how well an organism can adapt to its environment. If it doesn't have the means to survive in its ... ... values, especially when dealing with the human social condition and the differences in superiority between civilizations. It is also interesting to see how others have interpreted Darwin's theories, and created their own theories based on Darwinism. Overall, Darwin's ideas, while originally scientific, have been impacted by social factors and in turn have influenced social theories. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [i] Page 386 [ii] Page 385 [iii] Page 385 [iv] Page 386 [v] Page 403 [vi] Page 390 [vii] Page 393 [viii] Page 394 [ix] Page 395 [x] Vol. I, Page 169 Works Cited Darwin, Charles. â€Å"From The Descent of Man.† Change and Tradition: Cultural and Historical Perspectives. Dubuque, Iowa; Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1998.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Clara Barton :: essays research papers

Clara Barton was born on Christmas day, 1821 in Oxford Massachusetts. She was the youngest of her 4 siblings by at the least 10 years of age. Growing up in a middle class family, Clara was home schooled until the age of 15, then she became the teacher. As a child, in her spare time Clara enjoyed treating sick and injured pets and neighborhood animals. When she was 11 her brother David got really sick. So then she stood aside her brother for two years. She started to learn about medicine that way. She opened a free school in New Jersey for kids who have health problems. But because she wasn?t a man she couldn?t be head of the school. Clara was so unhappy that she quit teaching. Later she got a job as a clerk in the U.S. Patent Office. Then she quit her job as a clerk and became a volunteer for the soldiers in the Civil War. First Clara accomplished the task of starting a relief program for the injured soldiers. Next Clara was brought to attention of a medical supply shortage, and quickly organized a donation. As she arrived at the ?Cornfield? she wasted no time before acting as medical staff and distributing her supplies to surgeons. After the battle at Cedar Mountain, she appeared at a field hospital at night with a four-mule-team load of supplies. She saved hundreds of soldiers in the battlefield that day. That?s why she was known as "the Angel of the Battlefield.?In 1864 Clara was granted the position as superintendent of the Union Nurse. She had some medical problems though. Her problem was that she was suffering from greatly tireless work. She suffered because she had done to many things that tired her out. So her physician sent her on a vacation. While she was there she read a very famous book called ?A Memory of Solferino? by Henry Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross Movement. The Movement agreed for protection of the sick and wounded during the war.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Scarlet Letter :: essays research papers

PEARL : Believable or Not Pearl could, or could not be a believable character in The Scarlet Letter depending on how the reader interprets Pearls’ actions and speech. I plan to prove that Pearl could be believable, and that she could net be believable. Throughout the book Pearl either says or does things that are not typical of a girl of her age. After Hester talks to Chillingworth, Pearl is asked if she knows why Hester wears the scarlet letter. Pearl replies, â€Å"It is for the same reason that the minister keeps his hand over his heart†. I do not believe that a seven your old girl could be observant enough to discover that the same reason that Dimmesdale puts his hand over his heart is the same reason that Hester wears the scarlet letter. If the whole town did not discover that there was something going on between Dimmesdale and Hester, then how could pearl? Another example that Pearl is not a believable child is when Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale are talking in the forest, and Dimmesdale decides to give Pearl a kiss. Pearl then walks over to the brook and washes off the kiss. Pearl seemed to like Dimmesdale previous to this incident, and now all of a sudden, she does not like Dimmesdale enough to not wipe off his kiss? Yet another example that Pearl is not a believable child is when she is walking in the woods alone, she says, â€Å"Why art thou so sad? Pluck up a spirit, and do not be all the time sighing and murmuring!". If a young girl believes that a brook can be sad, that shows some serious mental problems. Most children would think of a brook as a brook, not a sad brook, and tell it to pluck up its spirit. Also in the forest when Pearl is talking to Hester, Pearl says, â€Å"And so it is! And, mother, he has his hand over his heart! Is it because, when the minister wrote his name in the book, the Black Man set his mark in that place? But why does he not wear it outside his bosom, as thou dost, mother?†. I do not believe that Pearl would know that Arthur Dimmesdale has sinned, and even if she did know, how could she be smart enough to know that he wore his shame in secrecy.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Men in the play Essay

â€Å"Cleopatra is always at a significant disadvantage as a woman in a male-dominated world.† What in your opinion are the strengths and weaknesses that the Queen shows as she deals with the men in the play?  Unanimously renowned as the â€Å"harlot queen† [Stanley, 2001] and as a â€Å"lascivious courtesan† [Stanley, 2001], the mercurial Egyptian Queen is anachronistically portrayed by Shakespeare in a more sympathetic attitude than his contemporaries who had diluted her character into an object of carnality. Ostentatiously dissimilar from the female visions of constancy and chastity presented by Octavia and Fulvia, the â€Å"mature and sexual woman† is celebrated for her compassionate love which offers â€Å"the most profound vision of human constancy† [French, 1982] in the patriarchal power struggle between the three Roman triumvirs. Cleopatra, renowned for her physical beauty is shown to have an alluring effect on the men that surround her, often exploiting her appearance to ensnare powerful men to do her bidding. Te extent to her aesthetic manipulation is revealed in the lavish descriptions of her when she first met Antony, who instantaneously seemed to have fallen victim to her charms. The first encounter of the matriarch and her lover, as narrated by Enobarbus, displays the pomp and extravagance of the Queen, the grandeur of which seems to captivate the narrator himself and his Roman colleagues. The â€Å"burnish’d throne† on which she sailed displayed her regality, combining visions of â€Å"gold† and â€Å"purple† when juxtaposed with her beauty which even â€Å"age cannot wither† seemed to present her in a god-like manner that rivals the beauty of Venus. Such hyperbolic descriptions seems to justify the immediate infatuation of Antony and the extent to her physical manipulation, intended or otherwise is seen when the triumvir who is presented in the likeness of Mars and whose power was like â€Å"rattling thunder† is inevitably turned into that of a â€Å"doating mallard†. It is the fall of the General from a position of infinite power to that of a helpless boy that is repeatedly mourned in the play by Romans but also reveals the seductive prowess of Cleopatra whose presence is deemed to be â€Å"the triumph of the voluptuous† [Hazlitt, 1817]. The transformation into a â€Å"strumpet’s fool† is clearly visible in the case of Antony who willingly abandons his duties in Rome, the underlying essence of his role and power. The audience is made visible of Antony’s ensnarement into the â€Å"Egyptian fetters† which he realises he must break if he wants to ever return with honour into the presence of the other triumvirs. It is not only her ability to form unbreakable shackles around her victims but also the consequent emasculation of Antony and her former lover – Julius Caesar as revealed when she gets them to â€Å"lay [their sword] to bed† – the sword being the dominant weapon of choice and phallic symbol of the powerful men’s manliness. Simultaneously assuming the role of a metaphorical embodiment of Venus, dressed in â€Å"cloth-of-gold† but also the personification of her beloved Egypt, she is shown to be an inherently sexual character, unmatched in regality and lustre. Shadowed in political knowledge and militaristic power by the â€Å"triple pillar[s]† of Rome, Cleopatra employs her seductive beauty, enhanced by her ability to wield emotional power to ensure her continued survival. It is often suspected that despite her â€Å"infinite variety† and oscillating moods, her actions always contain a â€Å"deliberate logic† [Danby, 1952]. Her uncanny strength in mentally manipulating Antony is clearly visible in the opening scenes of the play, at the arrival of the messengers at which she suggests that Antony hear them, despite his rejection of them.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Motivational Case Studies Essay

I believe in the â€Å"Two Men and a Truck† case study, the motivational theory that Mrs. Sheets’ uses is the goal setting theory. Her initial goal was to help support her sons’ part-time jobs. She created a marketing campaign, although she may not have seen it as such, by designing the stick figure drawing that is still being used today in the company. As a single mother, she did not want to turn away the phone calls that continued to be received, even after her sons went away to college and therefore, she purchased an inexpensive truck and hired two workers to maintain the business operations. Mrs. Sheets expanded the company and set out a goal of being the most customer-friendly moving company. To assist with this goal, she arranged trainings for her employees, and franchisee employees, where they learn basic customer service tools and how to be a high-functioning team member. These tools include how to properly answer the phone and to always shake the customer’s hand when the work is completed. She also asks employees to complete a survey card so the organization can use the feedback as coaching opportunities. All of these tools helped Mrs.  Sheets’ company become one of the most successful moving companies in the area. In the Siemens case study, the motivational theory that is described is Management by objectives. Mr. Kleinfield took over a Siemens unit in 1998 and immediately requested a change in work shifts, including working weekends. The employees were shocked by what was being requested but also recognized that due to a competitor, their jobs were in jeopardy from a lack of production. Mr. Kleinfield expressed an interest in the work being performed by being in the factory and asking questions related to the operations. This interest helped win over the employees and with the new schedules, production times were cut from six weeks to one. Although the employees did not know what was going on, Mr. Kleinfield recognized what the ultimate goal of the production facility was and put a plan into action as soon as he took it over to make it a success. By demonstrating this leadership, he ultimately was offered the CEO position, even though he never worked in any facility for very long, especially as a Consultant, but did have experience in every department that was associated with Siemens.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Market Segmentation Essay

An organization cannot satisfy all the needs and wants of all the consumers. Therefore, Market is divided into different segments so an organization can focus on the needs and wants of the specific consumers who share similar needs and demonstrate similar buyer behavior. In the world, there are different types of buyers with their own needs and behavior. Segmentation is the process to match groups of the purchasers with same needs and wants. Market segmentation: The division of a market into different groups or the process of splitting customers in a market into different groups or segments, within which customers show similar buying behavior and share a similar level of interest in the same set of needs and wants satisfied by a marketer is called Market segmentation. Reasons for segmentation of market: The reason for segmenting a market is to allow your marketing program to focus only on the segment that is most likely to buy your offering. Market segmentation makes possible how to use marketing mix for different target markets. A company is then able to determine which groups of customers are best suited to serve and which product and service offers will meet the needs of the customers and will satisfy them. Therefore, the main objective of segmentation must be how to win and retain the customers you want to serve. If the segmentation process is done properly then it will insure the maximum return for your marketing and sales expenditures, depending on what you are selling and whether you are selling your offerings to individual consumers or a business. Levels of Market Segmentation †¢Segment Marketing †¢Individual Marketing †¢Niche Marketing †¢Local Marketing Segment Marketing: Dividing the market into different segments on the basis of homogenous need. Segmented on basis of broad similarity with regard to some attributes. Segmentation is also sometimes identifying, capturing & retaining potential new markets. Individual Marketing: Extreme marketing in which marketers focus on individual customers. Keep track of individual tastes & preferences of individual customers. Many companies are approaching individuals through e-mails to promote their products. Niche Marketing: Marketer’s effort to position their product or service in smaller markets that have similar attributes and have been neglected by other marketer. Segment further divided into sub segments to cater unsatisfied needs of small group is called as niche. Local Marketing: Marketers offer customized products to suit the local markets. McDonalds introduced â€Å"Muslimized† or â€Å"Arabic† products such as Big Mac, Halal Chicken, Mac Arabia, and more†¦ Variables to Segment the Market: There are a number of segmentation variables that allow an organization to divide their market into homogenous groups. These variables will be discussed briefly below: †¢Geographic †¢Demographic †¢Psychographic †¢Behavioral Geographic segmentation It is based on regional variables such as region, climate, population density, and population growth rate. Geographic segmentation divides markets into different geographical areas. Marketers use geographic segmentation because consumers in different parts of world vary in characteristics and behaviors. An area can be divided by the town, the region or the country. If you are an organization working on a global scale you may divide by global regions such as Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Africa. Example: McDonalds globally, sell burgers aimed at local markets, for example, They also offer vegetable burgers in India due to lots of vegetarians and burgers are made from lamb in India rather than beef because of religious issues also. In Mexico more chili sauce is added and so on. In Muslim countries halal food is offered. In Arabic countries Arabic food is offered like Mc Arabia. Demographic Segmentation It is based on variables such as age, gender, ethnicity, education, occupation, income, and family status. Demographics originate from the word ‘demography’ which means a ‘study of population’. The population can be divided into age, gender, income, and family lifecycle amongst other variables. As people age their needs and wants change, some organizations develop specific products aimed at particular age groups. Gender segmentation is commonly used within the cosmetics, clothing and magazine industry. Income segmentation is another strategy used by many organizations Products and services are also aimed at different lifecycle segments. Examples: ïÆ'ËœFor different age groups: Nappies for babies, toys for children, clothes for teenagers and so on. Introduction of Maxim, (www.maxim-magazine.co.uk)A male lifestyle magazine covering male fashion, films, cars, sports and technology. Psychographic Segmentation: oIt is based on variables such as values, attitudes, opinions, interests, personality and lifestyle. oIt is used highly in the hospitality industry oVALS (Values And Lifestyles) Principle Oriented- principles or beliefs rather than feelings, events, or desire for approval. Status Oriented- status or other people’s actions, approval, or opinions. ï‚ §Action Oriented- action prompted by a desire for social or physical activity, variety, and risk taking. Behavioral Segmentation: It is based on variables such as usage rate and patterns, price sensitivity, brand loyalty, and benefits sought. It refers to why people purchase a product or service. How will the product enhance their overall lifestyle? Occasion is another variable. When should a product be purchased? Occasion segmentation aims to increase the ‘reason to buy factor’ and thus increase sales. Usage rate divides customers into light, medium and heavy users. Heavy users obviously contribute more to turnover then light or medium users, the objective of an organization should be to attract heavy users who will make a greater contribution to company sales. It is based on benefits people seek when buying a product. It is based on Total satisfaction from a service rather than individual benefits. Examples: When someone is going out to dinner McDonalds and local restaurant will not come in the same breathe for choices of where to go. When purchasing a computer the benefit sought will be of ‘ease of use’. ïÆ'ËœThe demand for turkeys increases during Christmas, flowers and chocolates on mother’s day and so on.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Capital Budgeting Essay

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze and interpret the answers of the Capital Budgeting Case. I will discuss my recommendation about which Corporation and investor should acquire based on the quantitative reasoning. I also will describe the relationship between the net present value and the internal rate of return for the two corporations that are analyzed. Capital Budgeting Case A company is planning in acquiring a new corporation and there are two options with the same cost of $250,000 but both with different 5-year projections of cash flows. The evaluation done to the two corporations (A and B) is based on the Net Present Value (NPV) and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The net present value represents the value the project or investment adds to the investor wealth. The NPV method of capital budgeting suggests that all projects that have positive NPV should be accepted because they would add value to the investment. On the other hand, the internal rate of return is defined as the discount rate that equates the present value of a project’s cash inflows to its outflows. According to the internal rate of return method of capital budgeting, the investment should be accepted if their IRR is greater than the cost of capital. The results for Corporation â€Å"A† shows a NPV of $20,979.20 based on discount rate of 10%. And, we got an IRR of 13.05% which means that is the discount rate that makes the NPV equal or close to $0.00. On the other hand, the Corporation â€Å"B† with a discount rate of 11% got a NPV of $40,251.47 and an IRR of 16.94%. A positive NPV is considered a good project, and we want to choose the one with the highest NPV. Therefore, I would recommend acquiring the Company â€Å"B† because it has a higher NPV than the other company. Corporation B will be giving us a current value cash return of $40,251.47 above our 11% required rate of return during the next 5 years. And, if we recalculate the NPV using the IRR of 16.94% it will result on an NPV close to $0.00. The relationship between NPV and IRR is based on the discount rate used to bring up the cash flows to the present. For the case of Company â€Å"B†, with the discount rate of 11%, if we have a NPV of $0.00, our IRR will also be 11%. But, if our NPV is higher than $0.00, our IRR will be also higher than 11%. And, if we have a negative NPV, then our IRR will be less than 11%. In other words, the NPV and the IRR most of the time yield the same result of acceptance or rejection. Conclusion In conclusion, the best recommendation is to acquire Company B because it will give us higher current values during the first 5 years and higher returns of the investment.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Business Cycles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Cycles - Essay Example Most observers find that the length of a business cycle from peak to peak, or from bottom to bottom vary, so that cycles are not systematic in their regularity. In fact, economic history shows that no two cycles are alike. Some economists dispute the existence of real "cycles" and use the term "fluctuations" instead. Others see enough similarities between shifts in economy and claim that studying business cycles in detail is a powerful tool which can serve us to determine the current state of the economy. The key question concerning business cycles is whether or not similar mechanisms that generate recessions and booms in capitalist economies exist. Periods of stagnation are a great burden for society. Being painful for large majorities of workers who lose their jobs, they produce pressure on policy makers to try to smooth out the oscillations. A very important goal of Western civilization since the Great Depression has been to limit the dips. However, government intervention in the economy can be a risky business. For example, some of Herbert Hoover's reforms (including tax increases) are widely believed to have deepened the depression. Managing economic policy in order to reduce the negative side effects of business cycle bottoms is not an easy job in a society with a complex economy, even when the theory of Keynes is applied. According to some nineteenth-century advocates of communism, this is an insurmountable difficulty. For instance, Karl Marx claimed that the business cycle crises of the capitalistic economy were inevitable results of its operations. From this point of view, all that governments can do is to delay the inevitable economic crises and to hope that they will not appear during their stay in power. Even then, crisis could emerge in a different form, for example as severe, unexpected inflation or an increasing government deficit. Worse, by delaying a crisis, western governments are seen as making it more painful for their successors and more dramatic for the whole society. In addition to the wide-spread left-wing criticism, Neoclassical economists question the ability of Keynesian policies to manage an economy. Challenging the Phillips Curve Nobel Laureates such as Milton Friedman and Edmund Phelps argue that inflationary expectations negate the Phillips Curve in the long run. Their theory was supported by the stagflation of the 70's. Friedman claimed that all the Fed can do is to avoid large mistakes. He believes that the rapid contracting of the money supply in the face of the Stock Market Crash of 1929 was such a big mistake. It turned what would have been a recession into a great depression (Rothbard, 1975). That is why, good forecasts of the cyclical movements of the economy and especially of the turning points of a business cycle are critical to improve policy decisions. The means of monetary and fiscal policy can also help to smooth the cycle out. The Austrian School of economics does not accept the suggestion that business cycles are inherent features of an unregulated economy and seeks for their origins in governmental intervention in the money supply. Austrian School economists underline the role of interest rates as the price of investment capital, which stays in the base

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Marketing of General Electrics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing of General Electrics - Essay Example The focus in this paper is on marketing as a wider sphere that encompasses all of the most crucial aspects like increasing the visibility of the products and therefore increasing the sales to a great extent. There is no hard and fast rule available when it comes to marketing and one needs to be aware that a thorough watch of the market and the events surrounding that is what is needed in order to gain maximum benefit out of it. In the business arena, a good marketing is definitely a must and without marketing even the finest of products and services will not be able to get the results and attention on the whole. A competitive advantage is something every business will look forward to and it is through marketing can a business attain the essential reach. Decisions making is an important aspect of marketing and is a determining factor of a business to a great extent. It is a process through which the consumer opts to go for a particular product or services which they have got used to w ith time. The concept of decision making is very crucial and is a winning point for any product in the competitive world. If a deeper look into decision making is taken it is a kind of psychological feeling or attachment that one gets towards a particular products or brand overall. It is a common thing in the marketing sphere for people to get attached to particular brands or products rather than other factors. If they are convinced of the fact that a particular brand will always provide quality product or service then consumers will go for it irrespective of all other available options. Brand perception is an aspect that rules the world of marketing (McLucas, A 2003). In this paper, let us see the strategies followed in decision making by reputed brands on their products. General Electrics is one of the most famous companies of all time that is famous all over the world. It is a corporate giant that has established it to be the best brand and it has capitalized well on the brand as pect. It is a company that is operating all over the world and has got a huge resource base as well. The company is known for its best services and initiatives which are set to turn around the entire line of sales in its favor. A more comprehensive study regarding the company, its initiatives and services that keeps things working the right way is discussed in the paper (Salaman, G 2001). If we take GE into consideration, it can be understood that the company gives more importance to that of human resources aspect. For the purpose of a stable business, it is important to have some good and reliable resource base with them. A good HR program is the backbone of the proper channel and organize of work, thus it is the absolute necessity to show importance in this are. GE seems to have understood about this fact and is known to provide with all the effort it can in order to keep the human resource aspect intact. There is several HR initiative programs carried out by the company in order to make it beneficial for the company as well as the employee. There are several ways through which the company aims at streamlining and molding its resource in order to get the best out of it on the whole (Gelder, S 2005). The best strategy that is used by GE is that it trains as well as cares on its HR sphere. It becomes very much important for one to keep the internal space in a steady way to get a positive wave from outside and GE exactly does that. The idea is to drive its brand as a group to get better result for the brand. GE aligns human resource with that of administrative function as it has its business spread across all over the world. The decision making prowess of the company is well known in the business field and it has always manage to take ultimate control of its resources. The human resource aspect is integrated into the management system of the company. The company’s top management makes it a yearly affair to formulate a set of HR rules for the year along w ith that of the goals and objectives. It shows a great deal of interest in decision making

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Project Management - Essay Example Restaurants solve this problem and provide consumers with cooked food items. The time required to obtain cooked food does decrease but the decrease depends on the type of restaurant. Fast food restaurants have cooked food that is ready to serve with minimal need for service making them the fastest food providers. In essence, fast food restaurants have greater chances of being a business success than other larger and more exquisite restaurants for two reasons. The first advantage is that the consumer base for fast food restaurants is large and the second advantage is that the initial investment is small. In addition, fast food restaurants are more environmentally friendly since the processed food requires far less raw materials than exquisite dining options. On another note, the waste produced from fast food joints is also lower since lower amounts of food items are processed and so lower amounts of waste is produced. The other major benefactors from a fast food restaurant would be th e consumers being served and the investors backing the project. The consumers would be provided with fresh varieties of fast food in order to provide a diverse eating experience. Alternatively, the appeal of new varieties of fast food are expected to bring in attractive returns for the people investing in the proposed project. Project Risks The proposed project stands to get affected from a number of internal and external risks. For one thing, a fast food restaurant is a business that faces stiff competition at start since there are a lot of different fast food restaurants already present in the market. The presence of well established competitors means that the new business will have to create a loyal customer base and then expand it while old and new competitors exist in the market. Moreover, customers in the fast food category have already developed tastes for fast foods being offered at various kinds of fast food restaurants. This is comparable to the beverage industry, where fo r example, a Pepsi customer will not ask for Coca Cola and vice versa. There is a risk that when the new fast food restaurant opens, it may take a lot of time to develop consumer’s taste in new varieties of fast food. In the short run, this could mean a prolonged principal amount recovery period but in the long run this strategy would result in a loyal customer base. Another thing that must be kept in mind is the fragile state of the overall economy. When the economy is performing well, it could be expected that new business survival would be easy since people would be spending with an open hand. In more restrictive fiscal situations, such as the current state of the economy, consumers have smaller disposable incomes and they are less willing to take risks with their money. A consumer would prefer to take fast food from a restaurant whose taste they are already familiar with rather than trying out a new fast food restaurant. The opening up of a new business also poses some mo re familiar risks such as finding the right kind of labor and ensuring retention of good workers. For a fast food restaurant, highly capable chefs would be required to churn out recipes that can be produced in no time and that would cater to the tastes of the target market. In addition, fast food requires that the business have a committed supplier base who can deliver products at the most optimal prices. Larger fast food chains such as McDonalds and KFC have the distinct advantage of ordering in bulk and having many

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Virtual and Social Media of Wikis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Virtual and Social Media of Wikis - Essay Example Wikis are hosted by a third party, and is largely popular for people who like to browse, input comments on certain topics and share information through simple means. The creation of wikis mainly caters to an audience who want to have a chance to interact with particular web contents. People practice virtual and social media communication by accessing wikis. Wikis are made to help people come to know about things he has the least knowledge about. It also empowers viewers to remove from the site they are viewing topics which they consider off. People interact with each other by sharing information, comments, and suggestions through this software. People then get the chance to add on to their knowledge, but also develop their interactive skills when accessing Wikis. On a personal level, wikis enhance communication and interaction among web fanatics. On a business level, wikis enable companies to develop networks which consequently simplify work and increase productivity. Businesses gain inputs from viewers while getting important messages across the targeted group, giving them a chance to successfully market their products, services or even ideas. Bigger companies use Wikis to collaborate with clients and manage production on major projects. Wikis, as in any other technology, has its strengths and downsides. One of its strengths lies in the fact that it serves its purpose very well, it is very engaging and it never fails to trigger participation from the target audience. Information written on the web may be altered or modified by anyone. It is useful as well as easy to use; it is not structured or prohibiting. It enhances interaction and gives the audience the enjoyment of participating in information sharing. Wikis are also very flexible. It bends according to the needs of the user.

MBA Business and Economic Evironment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MBA Business and Economic Evironment - Essay Example As the interest rates change, so do the spending and saving patterns of the people. When interest rates increase the cost of borrowing money increases and hence people borrow lesser where as when there is a decrease in interest rates people are more inclined to borrowing money because the cost of borrowing is lower. This affects the aggregate demand and aggregate supply of a country because money is the basis of all transactions that take place in an economy and if the cost of borrowing money decreases the money demand in the economy would tend to increase and people will be more inclined to spend that money and hence the aggregate demand would increase and this would lead to more people being employed if the economy is not already operating at optimum level of productivity. On the other if interest rates tend to increase then the cost of borrowing increases and people are not willing to borrow, hence the aggregate demand for the economy would decrease and the would have adverse effe cts on the labor as well. An increase in the interest rates in Australia would definitely have the same effects as well and a decrease in aggregate demand is expected. Industrial point of View: If the interest rates are increasing the cost of borrowing for industries would go sky high because industrialists require huge sums of loans because of the industry and the operations that they need to carry out. A very important decision for the firms is based on the interest rates and their trends, the question is: to expand or not to expand The answer lies with the interest rates, if they are very high then the company might postpone their expansionary plans but if they are lower and within a safe limit then the company can go and expand. This applies to whole industries, if industries expand there would be much more labor required and there would be an increase in employment leading to an increase in aggregate demand. Hence if any government is looking to give a boost to its industrial set up it should take special care when dealing with interest rates because it might charter the course of a whole industry and any industry is important to the economy because it has a lot of oth er units such as labor and exports dependent upon such industries, though some governments have come up with industrial interest rates but still they serve the same function. Exchange Rates: The exchange rates of a country play an integral part in determining where the country is heading in the near future and also has far reaching consequences in policy making. Interest rates play a very important role in determining what a country's exchange rates would be, in fact they are also a tool to tamper with the exchange rates. If the interest rates are increasing in an economy, ceteris paribus, then there would be an inflow of foreign currency into that country because people would want to save their money in that country's banks because that would give them a higher return on their investments, when this takes place the demand for a country's currency on the foreign exchange market increases. On the other hand if the interest rat

Monday, September 9, 2019

Create a dialogue between two people. Describe and critique two Essay

Create a dialogue between two people. Describe and critique two perspectives on morality - Essay Example I believe in utilitarian ethics and I would like to discuss it with you and maybe learn about your moral basis.† Steve was delighted by the topic and replied, â€Å"I have also noted our differences and attributed it to diversity. Discussing our moral values would be important to our interpersonal relationship and will improve our perspective on our environments. I believe in deontology ethics. Could you please tell me about your ethical perspective?† David: â€Å"Utilitarian ethical perspective is based on the concept maximum good to a majority of members of the society (Brooks and Dunn 183). It informs judgment on a act, whether of commission or of omission, based on effects on members of the society and therefore means that morality of an act is determined after members of the society have interacted with the act and its effects, both positive and negative have been observed. The act is then said to be unethical if realized bad effects on members of the society are m ore significant than benefits from the act. It is however considered moral if greater benefits can be derived from it and this identifies two perspectives to determining ethics in an act, the extent of effects on people and the number of people that the act affect. Utilitarianism also relates to decisions whose implementation has effects on people. Rule utilitarianism explains this by offering rules that can lead to maximum good in a society. A decision to restrict a person’s right to smoke in a public place is for example moral under utilitarian ethics because while it may infringe the smoker’s need and may be cause distress, it will be beneficial to many other people I the immediate environment through ensuring clean air and protecting the people’s lives (Kanniyakonil 65- 66).† David: â€Å"I should have been keen to note that your judgments are based on consequentialism. My ethical perspective, deontology, is however a rule based perspective to moral j udgment. The perspective associates morality with duty that is expected of people in a society and is based on social rules. It is different from your ethical perspective because it disregards consequences of an act or a decision. An act that is consistent with established rules is for example considered ethical despite its negative consequence to members of the society and an act that contradicts existing rules and obligations is considered immoral irrespective of the net benefit that in which it results. considering your example of smoking in a public place and suppose that a the society allows people to smoke in public places, then the act of smoking is considered moral regardless of the air pollution and its associated effects on people’s health (Basford and Slevin 214, Showler 21)† David: â€Å"Reliance on rules for judging decisions and actions has the benefits in fair judgment and this is contrary to the scope of your utilitarian approach that also appear to be subjective. One of my concerns with utilitarian approach to ethics is the lack of a suitable measure for benefits and harm of an act. There is no standard measure and this compromises reliability and fairness because some people may be more sensitive than others are while some may exaggerate consequences. It is also difficult to identify population segments that have been affected by an act or a decis