
Thursday, June 11, 2020

Violence Against Nurses Research Assignment Paper - 550 Words

Violence Against Nurses Research Assignment Paper (Essay Sample) Content: Nurse exposure to physical and nonphysical violence, bullying, and sexual harassment: A quantitative reviewAuthorAuthor affiliationNurse exposure to physical and nonphysical violence, bullying, and sexual harassment: A quantitative reviewReferences ListAlameddine, M., Mourad, Y., Dimassi, H. (2015). A National Study on Nurses Exposure to Occupational Violence in Lebanon: Prevalence, Consequences and Associated Factors. PloS one, 10(9), e0137105.Park, M., Cho, S. H., Hong, H. J. (2015). Prevalence and perpetrators of workplace violence by nursing unit and the relationship between violence and the perceived work environment. Journal of nursing scholarship, 47(1), 87-95.Purpora, C., Cooper, A., Sharifi, C. (2015). The prevalence of nurses' perceived exposure to workplace bullying and its effect on nurse, patient, organization and nursing related outcomes in clinical settings: a quantitative systematic review protocol. JBI database of systematic reviews and implemen tation reports, 13(9), 51-62.Spector, P. E., Zhou, Z. E., Che, X. X. (2014). Nurse exposure to physical and nonphysical violence, bullying, and sexual harassment: A quantitative review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 51(1), 72-84.SummaryOccupational violence, bullying, and sexual harassment are rife in the health institutions across the world. However, there is a dearth of national studies on this subject. The study titled Nurse Exposure to physical and nonphysical violence, bullying, and sexual harassment: A quantitative review  provided a quantitative review which estimates the rate of exposure of the nurses depending on the source, setting, type of violence and the region. Further, the researcher employed quantitative research design review based on the secondary data. Te available literature search was conducted by use of Medline, CINAHL and PsycInfo database and only those sources that had information on all variables of research were included in the study. This was meant to ensure uniformity in the collected data. The literature suitable for the research were identified through the database search and checking reference lists of the review articles that were located. The rate of exposure was coded as a percentage of the nurses who reported a specific type of violence in the sample. There were five types of violence, however, the type of violence was not recorded as the data was concerned on the prevalent rates of violence regardless of the type. The researcher coded the setting, country, timeframe and type of violence.The study revealed that the violence exposure rates were thirty-six percent for physical violence, sixty-six point nine percent for nonphysical violence, thirty-nine point seven percent for bullying, twenty-five percent for sexual harassment and thirty-two points seven percent of nurses reported the physical injury. Moreover, the study revealed that exposure rates varied from one country to another. The highest cases of viole nce and sexual harassment was recorded in the Anglo region while the highest cases of nonphysical violence and bullying were recorded in the Middle East. There was also significance difference in the source of violence in the region with the majority of the violence from patients being more prevalent in European and Anglo regions. In addition, in Middle East families and friends were the most common source of violence in the Middle East. From this research, at least one in three nurses has encountered exposure to physical violence with a third of that affected reporting to have been injured, a quarter encountered sexual harassment and two-thirds recorded nonphysical violence. Further, p[hysical violence was found to be more prevalent in emergency departments, geriatric and psychiatric facilities.AnalysisThe research question was well framed and significant as allows for the quantitative comparison of the rates of exposure to the type of violence, source, setting, and region independ ently. The research question is well detailed allowing for the calculation of the correlation between variables. However, the qualitative aspect of this data was left out which would have made this study inclusive of all variables related to violence impacted on the nurses. The authors did relate well the research question to the existing knowledge. The authors related perfectly the qualitative studies with their work on violence filling the holes of knowledge left by the qualitative studies on the violence, sexual harassment and bullying of nurses. Nevertheless, this paper made a significant contribution to the existing qualitative knowledge on this issue. On the other hand, the study did not provide enough theoretical framework as it left out the issue of why the perpetrators of opted for this viol...