
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Gatsby Closing Lines

Cant repeat the past? Gatsby cried incredulously. Why of course you net In so much as two lines the novel was born with one of its main themes the vast obsession with the past and the failure to accept that it is, unrepentant to what Gatsby says, impossible to recreate. As the novel concludes, Nick reflects, So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. In some instances, beating against the current is considered a positive calibre an optimistic life-force that compels us altogether to battle our fate with sheer will.However, Nick seems to note that this battle is lost long before it is fought, that fatalism is a better bureau to live. All things considered, the significance and importance of our past ultimately defines our dreams of the future, yet we are inherently tied to the past and cannot transform our dreams to reality. Gatsbys fatal flaw was his hard refusal at accepting the past and undoubtedly, his profound refusal at accepting wh o he is. From the get go Gatsby acquired an intense hatred for poverty after att ending St.Olafs College for two weeks he dropped reveal because he could not deal with the janitorial job that he was paying his tuition with. Following his falling in love with Daisy, his motivation to become wealthy increased, and after Daisys marriage to Tom his motivation only multiplied from there. So began his dedication to winning Daisy back, the beginning of beating against the current he should have simply let carry him. Gatsby completely disregards the fact that despite the past they had together, Daisy has lived a completely different life than when they first met.He is stuck in this cynical past where him and Daisy never parted, a non-existing reality in which she never stopped loving him. He attributes this fantasy to the green light at the end of Daisys dock, with his firm across the lake it had always been just out of grasp, merely something to admire and dream of from afar. At the en d of Chapter 7, Gatsby keeps watch outside of Daisys sign to make sure Tom does not harm her. Little does he know, the two are inside reconciling their differences over dinner.Gatsby has made it across the lake to Daisys porch, to the green light, but unbeknownst to him his dream has dissipated forever. The morning following Gatsbys gardener states that he plans to empty the pool due to the fact that spend has ended. Not having utilize the pool the whole summer, Gatsby asks him to wait a day as he still wants to use it. As Nick returns to Gatsbys mansion later, he discovers him floating dead in his pool. Gatsbys hopeless grasp on the hope that he can make Daisy love him the way she used to parallels his wanting to use the pool even though summer has already passed.Ultimately, his death is a result of his extensive refusal to accept what he cannot control the leaving of time. Nick states, He talked a lot about the past and I gathered that he wanted to recover something that had gone into loving Daisy. His life had been complicated and disordered since then, but if he could once return to a certain starting place and go over it all slowly, he could find out what that thing was Following his loss of Daisy, it is almost as if Gatsby has lost a grasp on who he is as well.The new identity he created, this Jay Gatsby millionaire, was all created for the sole reason of winning Daisy over. Without Daisy now, what purpose was there to Jay Gatsbys life? Instead of moving on like one is supposed to, he became pendant on reliving a part of his life where he felt he had reason, he became dependent on this green light. Nicks culmination line conveys the human condition of unreasonably struggling against our predicament, hoping and believing we can control our destiny even as experiences tell us we should not.

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